Stella Nwadigo, a school teacher at Christ-Mitots School in Ikorodu, Lagos, has been arrested for repeatedly assaulting a 3-year-old pupil, Abayomi Michael. The disturbing incident was captured on video, which has sparked widespread outrage.
In the video, Stella is seen striking the young child multiple times as she attempts to teach him how to write numbers. Specifically, the video shows Stella instructing the child to write the number six, but instead of offering guidance, she resorts to physical violence.
The incident highlights the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of children in educational institutions. It also underscores the need for accountability and swift action against those who perpetrate such heinous acts.
We commend the authorities for their prompt response and commitment to seeking justice for Abayomi Michael. We hope that this incident will serve as a catalyst for increased vigilance and measures to prevent such incidents in the future.
As the investigation unfolds, we will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates.
Photo Credit : Instablog9ja